Today, we’re delighted to let you know that Crossref members can now use ROR IDs to identify funders in any place where you currently use Funder IDs in your metadata. Funder IDs remain available, but this change allows publishers, service providers, and funders to streamline workflows and introduce efficiencies by using a single open identifier for both researcher affiliations and funding organizations.
As you probably know, the Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a global, community-led, carefully curated registry of open persistent identifiers for research organisations, including funding organisations.
We began our Global Equitable Membership (GEM) Program to provide greater membership equitability and accessibility to organizations in the world’s least economically advantaged countries. Eligibility for the program is based on a member’s country; our list of countries is predominantly based on the International Development Association (IDA). Eligible members pay no membership or content registration fees. The list undergoes periodic reviews, as countries may be added or removed over time as economic situations change.
Retractions and corrections from Retraction Watch are now available in Crossref’s REST API. Back in September 2023, we announced the acquisition of the Retraction Watch database with an ongoing shared service. Since then, they have sent us regular updates, which are publicly available as a csv file. Our aim has always been to better integrate these retractions with our existing metadata, and today we’ve met that goal.
This is the first time we have supplemented our metadata with a third-party data source.
As a provider of foundational open scholarly infrastructure, Crossref is an adopter of the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI). In December 2024 we posted our updated POSI self-assessment. POSI provides an invaluable framework for transparency, accountability, susatinability and community alignment. There are 21 other POSI adopters.
Together, we are now undertaking a public consultation on proposed revisions for a version 2.0 release of the principles, which would update the current version 1.
Setting up your iThenticate v1 account (admins only)
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Setting up your iThenticate v1 account (admins only)
This section is for Similarity Check account administrators using iThenticate v1. You need to follow the steps in this section before you start to set up your users and share the account with your colleagues.
If you are using iThenticate v2 rather than iThenticate v1, there are separate instructions for you.
Not sure if you’re using iThenticate v1 or iThenticate v2? More here.
Your personal administrator account in iThenticate v1
Once Turnitin has enabled iThenticate v1 for your organization, the main editorial contact provided on your application form will become the iThenticate account administrator. As an administrator, you create and manage the users on your account, and you decide how your organization uses the iThenticate tool.
To start with, you need to login to iThenticate and set your password.
Log in to your administrator account (v1)
Start from the link in the invitation email from with the subject line “Account Created” and click Login
Enter your username and single-use password
Click to agree to the terms of the end-user license agreement. These terms govern your personal use of the service. They’re separate from the central Similarity Check service agreement that your organization has agreed to.
You will be prompted to choose a new password
Click ​Change Password​ to save.
How do you know if you’re an account administrator?
Once you’ve logged in, you will only be able to see the Manage Users tab if you’re an account administrator.
So if you can’t see Manage Users or Users, you’re not an account administrator, and you can skip ahead to the user instructions for iThenticate v1.
Updating your personal email address or password
Changing your email address or updating your password is the same for admins and other users. There’s more information in the user instructions for iThenticate v1.
Page owner: Kathleen Luschek | Last updated 2022-July-15