Posted content (includes preprints) markup guide
This guide gives markup examples for members registering posted content (includes preprints) by direct deposit of XML. It is not currently possible to register the posted content (includes preprints) record type using one of our helper tools.
Depositing and updating posted content
Posted content is a Crossref record type available starting with schema version 4.4.0. The schema updates include a number of posted content-specific elements. The top level element is called posted_content
and has an attribute called type
. This attribute is given a value from an enumerated list that defines the nature of the posted content. The current set of enumerations are:
- preprint
- working_paper
- letter
- dissertation
- report
- other
The default value is preprint. Please contact us if you want to deposit metadata for a posted record type which is not on this list.
The posted record type contains the following elements (* = required):
Element | Description |
group_title | The hosting platform may organize its posted content into categories or subject areas. This field is used to name the container for the posted item |
contributors | Container for author information |
titles * | The titles (title and subtitle) of the posted content |
posted_date * | The date when the posted content became available online on the hosting platform |
acceptance_date | The date the content item was submitted to and accepted by the hosting platform |
institution | Container for information about an organization that sponsored or hosted an item but is not the publisher |
program: funding | Source of funding applicable to research related to the posted content |
program: access indicators | License terms |
program: relations | Relationships (other than bibliographic citation) to other works, such as found in acknowledgments or list of supplemental material |
doi_data * | Container for persistent identifier and URL |
citation_list | Posted content bibliography listing of citations to other works |
Once a posted content item has been published, the posted content publisher must update their publication metadata with the AAM/VoR DOI using the isPreprintOf
relation type.
<program xmlns="">
<!--DOI of the AM / VOR-->
<intra_work_relation relationship-type="isPreprintOf" identifier-type="doi">10.5555/preprint_sample_doi_vor</intra_work_relation>
The relationship metadata may be updated with either a full metadata deposit (existing metadata plus the ‘relationship’ metadata) or as a resource-only deposit. Metadata deposited using the resource schema will be appended to the existing metadata.
Posted content and conflicts
When a posted content item is submitted for a published item that has a registered metadata record, a conflict is created. The conflict is resolved when the posted content item is updated with the relationship metadata for the published item’s DOI. Learn more about the conflict report.
Posted content and Cited-by matches
When you query for Cited-by matches, you can choose to include posted content matches in your results. By default, posted content is not included. To retrieve matches including posted content:
HTTPS queries
Add the include_postedcontent=true
parameter to your query, for example:
XML queries
Add the include_postedcontent="true"
attribute to your fl_query
element, for example:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query_batch version="2.0" xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi="">
<head><doi_batch_id>eXtyles Request AMP.dodge0724.doc__76</doi_batch_id>
<fl_query include_postedcontent="true"><doi>10.5555/12345678</doi></fl_query>
Example of a posted content deposit
Review the sample below or download an XML file.
<!--group_title: Prepublication content items may be organized into groupings within a given publisher. This element provides for naming the group. It is expected that publishers will have a small number of groups each of which reflect a topic or subject area. (required)-->
<group_title>Metadata Quality</group_title>
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<title>Mind your < and >: why XML needs to be valid</title>
<!--posted_date: The date when the posted content became available online on the hosting platform (required)-->
<!--acceptance_date: date the content item was submitted to and accepted by the hosting platform. (optional) -->
<!--optional funding and license data-->
<program name="fundref" xmlns="">
<assertion name="fundgroup">
<assertion name="funder_name"> U.S. Department of Energy <assertion
<assertion name="award_number">DE-FG03-03SF22691</assertion>
<assertion name="fundgroup">
<assertion name="funder_name"> U.S. Department of Energy <assertion
<assertion name="award_number">DE-AC52-06NA27279</assertion>
<program xmlns="">
<free_to_read start_date="2016-01-01"/>
<!--DOI and URL (required)-->
<!--citation list for the item (optional)-->
<citation key="pp1">
Example of a posted content deposit containing a relationship to a VOR
Review the sample below or download an XML file.
<!-- relationship established with VOR DOI (required when VOR is identified)-->
<program xmlns="">
<intra_work_relation relationship-type="isPreprintOf" identifier-type="doi">10.5555/preprint_sample_doi_vor</intra_work_relation>
<!--DOI and URL (required)-->
Example of a journal article deposit that includes a relationship to posted content
Review the sample below or download an XML file.
<!--relationship established with posted content (preprint) DOI-->
<program xmlns="">
<intra_work_relation relationship-type="hasPreprint" identifier-type="doi">10.50505/preprint_sample_doi_1</intra_work_relation>
Example of email notification of posted content match
Member Example Publishing has deposited DOI 10.5555/preprint_sample_doi_vor ( claiming it is the VoR for your posted content DOI 10.50505/preprint_sample_doi_1.
Please display a link to the Version of Record from your posted content online. Linking posted content to the published record is critical to enabling the full history of scholarly results, and ensuring that the citation record is clear and up-to-date.
If you have questions please contact and one of our colleagues (in the EST timezone) will get back to you.
Many thanks,