
Missed conflict report

Learn more about conflicts and the conflict report. Conflicts are usually flagged upon deposit, but sometimes this doesn’t happen, creating a missed conflict.

A missed conflict may occur for several reasons:

  • Two DOIs are deposited for the same item, but the metadata is slightly different (DOI A deposited with an online publication date of 2011, DOI B deposited with a print publication date of 1972)
  • DOIs were deposited with a unique item number. Before 2008, DOIs containing unique item numbers (supplied in the <publisher_item> element) were not checked for conflicts.

The missed conflict report compares article titles across data for a specified journal or journals. To retrieve a missed conflict report for a title:

  1. Start from the browsable title list and search or browse for the title
  2. Click the Blue chevrons right icon icon at the far right of the title
  3. The missed conflict interface will pop up in a second window. Enter your email address in the appropriate field. Multiple title IDs can be included in a single request if needed

A report will be emailed to the email address you provided. This report lists all DOIs with identical article titles that have not been flagged as conflicts.

Page owner: Isaac Farley   |   Last updated 2024-July-22